Connected TV Trends & Blogs | Insight | tvScientific

Digital Marketing Trends | tvScientific

Written by tvScientific | Jan 26, 2024 2:14:44 AM

Why you should use AI, social commerce, and other digital marketing trends in your campaigns

Keeping up with the latest digital marketing trends is essential for staying ahead of the competition. From changes in consumer behavior to advancements in technology, it's important for businesses to stay informed and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.

In this article, we'll explore some of the top digital marketing trends that should be on your radar to help you stay ahead. Whether it's the rise of voice search, the impact of artificial intelligence, or other influential factors, staying up to date with these trends can help your business reach and engage with your target audience in more effective and innovative ways.

Ready to learn more? Dig deeper with Digital Marketing: The Complete Guide.

AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing digital marketing in numerous ways. For example, Google Analytics 4 utilizes machine learning to provide insights into customer behavior and predict future actions, allowing marketers to better understand and address customer needs.

These digital marketing trends enable personalized customer experiences by allowing marketers to tailor messaging and content to individual preferences and behaviors. They also automate many tasks, such as data analysis, content curation, and customer segmentation, freeing up time for marketers to focus on strategy and creativity.

Voice Search Optimization

With the increasing prevalence of smart speakers and voice-activated devices, businesses need to ensure their online content is tailored to match conversational queries that users might make when conducting a voice search. This means that digital marketing strategies must now include specific optimization for voice-based interactions, such as adjusting website content to match natural language queries and incorporating long-tail keywords that reflect how people actually speak.

It will be essential for businesses to understand and adapt to the ways consumers use voice assistants and related technologies to search for information and make purchases online.

Social Commerce and In-Feed Shopping

Social commerce and in-feed shopping have transformed the way consumers shop by blending social media experiences with e-commerce, creating a more seamless and integrated shopping journey. Shoppable posts on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram allow users to browse and purchase products directly from their feeds, blurring the lines between socializing and shopping. Google Ads' in-feed shopping tool with shopping campaigns also enables businesses to showcase their products within the context of relevant content, further streamlining the purchasing process.

These tools have had a significant impact on consumer behavior, as they are now able to discover and purchase products without ever leaving their favorite social platforms. Businesses can now create digital catalogs and promote their products in a more engaging and interactive way, ultimately driving more sales and increasing brand visibility.

Influencer Marketing

With the shift towards more authentic and relatable content, influencer marketing has become a key digital marketing trend for cost-effective campaigns. The evolution of influencer marketing has been driven by the changing preferences of consumers who now seek genuine connections and trustworthy recommendations from influencers.

The impact of social media platforms has further propelled the rise of influencer marketing, providing a direct and interactive channel for influencers to engage with their audience. The authenticity and relatability of influencer content have made it effective in reaching targeted and receptive audiences.

Influencer marketing has become an integral part of brand strategies, allowing companies to tap into the credibility and reach of influencers to connect with their target consumers. This evolution highlights the power of influencer marketing in driving consumer engagement and building brand awareness in an increasingly digital world.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Engaging with diverse groups through targeted advertising and content that resonates with different cultures, genders, and backgrounds is vital in modern marketing. Transparency and accountability are paramount, and companies can achieve this by clearly communicating their commitment to ethical and inclusive marketing and being open about their progress and any challenges they encounter.

Furthermore, technology advancements, such as AI and data analytics, can be leveraged to understand and meet diverse consumer needs. These tools can provide insights into the preferences and behaviors of different consumer segments, allowing companies to tailor their marketing strategies to be more inclusive.

AI can help personalize marketing content to resonate with diverse audiences, while data analytics can reveal patterns and trends that indicate which groups of consumers may be underrepresented in marketing efforts. By incorporating these technologies, companies can gain a better understanding of diverse consumer needs and create more inclusive digital marketing strategies.

Interactive Content

Interactive content is crucial in digital marketing as it provides opportunities to engage with consumers and capture their attention. Interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, and videos, allows for active participation from the consumer, creating a more engaging and personalized experience. This type of content captures attention and encourages consumers to spend more time with a brand or product, ultimately increasing engagement and building brand loyalty.

One example of a platform that can make excellent use of interactive content is connected television (CTV). By combining the attention-commanding power of the largest screen in the home with the personalized interaction of a smart device, CTV advertising makes an optimal home for this digital marketing trend.


Micro-moments is a term that refers to when consumers reflexively turn to a device, often a smartphone, to act on a need — to learn, do, discover, watch, or buy something. By creating compelling and relevant content that satisfies these micro-moments, brands can effectively capture and retain consumer attention, ultimately leading to conversions and sales.

Tying in with other trends we’ve already discussed, advancements in interactive content and micro-moments are likely to be driven by the integration of AI. Machine learning can analyze consumer behavior and preferences, allowing for more personalized and targeted interactive content. Additionally, changing consumer behaviors, such as the increasing reliance on voice search and smart devices, will also shape the future of micro-moments and interactive content in digital marketing.

Make tvScientific Your CTV Partner 

tvScientific was co-founded by senior executives with deep roots in search, programmatic advertising, digital media, and ad verification. We think scientifically, and our results are driven by a belief in one, simple formula: Trust = Data x Transparency x Control.

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