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Self Serve Ad Platform | tvScientific

Written by tvScientific | Dec 20, 2023 8:39:15 PM

Set up campaigns with ease, reduce costs, improve targeting, and more

Self serve advertising allows advertisers to purchase and manage their ad campaigns without the need for human interaction. It provides a convenient and efficient way to plan, execute, and track digital advertising campaigns. Self serve ad platforms offer a range of features to help advertisers effectively reach their target audiences.

By providing complete control, saving time, reducing costs, and offering 24/7 access, self serve ads empower advertisers to create targeted, efficient, and flexible campaigns. With the ability to set budgets and choose demographics and platforms, advertisers have the freedom to tailor their campaigns to meet their specific marketing strategies and goals. This level of control ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and that campaigns are optimized for success. 

Learn more about ad platform strategy, platforms, and more with Advertising Platforms: The Ultimate Guide.

Key Benefits of Self-Service Advertising

Fast and Easy Campaign Set-Up

Setting up a campaign using a self serve ad platform is a fast and easy process. Advertisers can quickly launch their campaigns in just a few minutes by signing up with their chosen platform, logging in, and navigating to the campaign creation section.

The intuitive user interface of self-serve ad platforms makes it easy for advertisers to navigate through the necessary steps and provide the required information. Advertisers can choose from various ad formats available on the platform, such as display ads, video placements (including CTV ads), or sponsored content, depending on their advertising goals.

To make the campaign set-up process even smoother, self serve advertising platforms often provide support materials, like tutorials, guides, and best practices. These resources help advertisers understand the platform's features and optimize their advertising strategy.

Any good self serve platform should offer a support team that advertisers can contact if they need assistance during the campaign set-up process. Whether it's troubleshooting an issue or seeking advice on targeting options, advertisers can rely on the support team to provide timely assistance.

Additional Control 

Unlike traditional advertising methods where advertisers often rely on advertising agencies or sales representatives, self-serve ad platforms empower advertisers with complete control.

With a self serve ad platform, advertisers can customize every aspect of their advertising strategy. They have the flexibility to set their own budget, choose their desired ad format, and select the target audience they want to reach. Advertisers can even specify the frequency at which their ads are shown — as Facebook’s research shows, higher frequencies of advertisement exposure are needed to reliably impact consumer behavior.

Further, these self serve ad platforms allow advertisers to make changes and adjustments to their campaigns in real time. This means that if an advertiser notices that their ad isn't performing as expected, they can quickly modify the targeting options or ad placement to optimize results. The ability to make real-time changes ensures that advertisers can adapt their campaigns to meet their goals and respond to customer demands swiftly.

Save Time and Reduce Costs

By providing a user-friendly interface and intuitive tools, self serve advertising platforms empower advertisers to manage their own advertising campaigns without the need for external assistance.

With self serve ad platforms, businesses can handle their advertising processes directly, allowing them to streamline their activities and allocate more time and resources to online advertising. This increased focus on digital marketing enables businesses to reach a larger audience and potentially increase market share, all without the need to increase headcount.

They’re a cost-effective solution compared to hiring an agency. Traditional advertising agencies often charge substantial fees for their services, making them less accessible to businesses with smaller budgets. In contrast, self serve platforms provide businesses with the necessary tools to manage their own campaigns at a fraction of the cost.

Self serve platforms also offer increased efficiency. Advertisers can easily set up and launch digital campaigns, manage ad placements, and monitor campaign performance, all in real time. This saves time for businesses, as they can instantly make adjustments to their campaigns and optimize results. By automating tasks that would otherwise require human interaction, self-serve ad platforms significantly reduce the time and effort spent on advertising management.


Self serve platforms grant businesses the flexibility to manage their campaigns at any time, day or night. This round-the-clock accessibility ensures that advertisers can make changes and updates to their ads and campaigns without relying on a sales representative or agency.

With self serve advertising platforms, advertisers have complete control over their campaigns, allowing them to easily make changes and adjustments whenever necessary. This level of autonomy enables businesses to respond quickly to market trends, customer demands, or changing marketing strategies without any delays. Advertisers can modify their ad creative, adjust targeting options, or refine their approach to advertising with just a few clicks, ensuring their campaigns are always up-to-date and relevant.

In addition, self serve ad platforms provide real-time data and instant access to campaign performance metrics. Advertisers can monitor the effectiveness of their ads and track key performance indicators in real time. This data empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize their campaigns, and improve ROI. By having access to real-time data, advertisers can take immediate action, whether it's scaling successful campaigns, pausing underperforming ones, or implementing A/B testing.

Targeting and Campaign Optimization 

Self serve advertising platforms offer robust targeting and campaign optimization options, particularly when it comes to mobile traffic. Advertisers can leverage these features to reach their target audience more effectively and maximize their campaign performance.

One of the key targeting options provided by self serve ad platforms is traffic segmentation. Advertisers can segment their mobile traffic based on various criteria such as demographics, interests, or behavior. This allows them to tailor their ads to specific audience segments, ensuring that the right message reaches the right people at the right time.

Location-based targeting is another powerful tool for self serve ads. Advertisers can target users based on their geographical location, allowing them to reach consumers in specific regions or cities. This is particularly useful for businesses with a local or regional focus, as it enables them to deliver location-specific ads and promotions.

Keyword targeting is yet another valuable feature provided by self serve ad platforms. Advertisers can target specific keywords or search terms, ensuring that their ads are shown to users who are actively searching for relevant products or services. This helps to increase click-through rates and conversions, as the ads are displayed to users who are already interested in what the advertiser has to offer.

Make tvScientific Your CTV Partner 

tvScientific was co-founded by senior executives with deep roots in search, programmatic advertising, digital media, and ad verification. We think scientifically, and our results are driven by a belief in one simple formula: Trust = Data x Transparency x Control.

With powerful attribution capabilities, real-time reporting, automated optimization, and built-in, always-on testing, we believe that tvScientific provides the most robust, transparent, tailored CTV advertising platform. Once you see it for yourself, we know you will too. Request a demo today, or get started with the tvScientific self serve ad platform.