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User Acquisition: The Complete Guide

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Jul 24, 2024

Beyond Social Media: Why CTV is the Future of Advertising

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Jul 18, 2024

2024 Summer Olympics: Make a Splash with Performance TV

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Jul 1, 2024

7 Performance TV Statistics All Marketers Need to Know in 2024

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May 16, 2024

The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Attribution

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May 16, 2024

The Marketer's Guide to Customer Loyalty

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May 16, 2024

The Marketer's Guide to Brand Loyalty

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Jul 17, 2024

Panel: How OTT Ad Platforms and Technology Give Marketers Both Scale and Precision

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A Winning CTV Strategy in 2023: A TV Advertising AMA

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Dec 1, 2022

Connected TV in 2023 and Beyond

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tvScientific and Adjust help Wordscapes succeed with CTV advertising

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The Retail Marketer's Guide to Holiday CTV Campaigns

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2024 tvScientific Performance Report

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The CTV Advertising Playbook for D2C Marketers

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The CTV Advertising Playbook for App Marketers

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The CTV Advertising Playbook

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The CTV Advertising Playbook for Gaming Marketers

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Your Guide to CTV Advertising for Search and Social Marketers

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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White Paper: Multi-Touch Attribution in the CTV Environment

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How CTV Advertising Powers the Performance TV Revolution

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A/B testing

A common practice in marketing to compare two versions of an ad to identify which one performs better

Ad creative

The visual and audio elements of an ad

Ad inventory

The available ad space on a website, app, or streaming platform

Ad placement

The location of an ad on a website, app, or streaming platform


Tracking which marketing efforts led to a conversion or sale

Brand lift

The increase in awareness or perception of a brand as a result of advertising

Completion rate

The percentage of viewers who watched an entire video ad

Connected device

Objects that can connect with the internet, like a TV, tablet, or gaming console

Connected TV (CTV)

A device connected to the internet and designed to support streaming multimedia content

Cost per action (CPA)

The cost of an ad based on the number of desired actions, like a purchase of signup

Cost per click (CPC)

The cost of an ad based on the number of clicks it get

Cost per completed view (CPCV)

The cost of an ad based on the number of completed views

Cost per thousand (CPM)

The cost of showing an ad 1,000 times

Clickthrough rate (CTR)

The percentage of people who clicked on an ad out of the total number of impressions

Engagement rate

The percentage of viewers who interacted with an ad in some way, like clicking on or sharing it


Targeting ads to specific geographic locations

First-party data

Data collected by a company directly from its own customers or users


The average number of times an ad is shown to a unique viewer

Frequency capping

Limiting the number of times a specific ad is shown to a user within a certain timeframe


The number of times an ad is shown to users


The value a brand gets by adding CTV advertising into its media mix

Non-skippable ad

A video ad that cannot be skipped by the viewer

Over-the-Top (OTT)

The actual video content that streams over the internet

Programmatic advertising

The automated process of buying and selling advertising inventory through software


Showing ads to people who have previously interacted with a brand or product

Return on ad spend (ROAS)

The amount of revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising

Return on investment (ROI)

The profitability of an advertising campaign

Second-party data

Data collected by a partner company and shared with another company

Skippable ad

A video ad that can be skipped by the viewer after a certain amount of time

Smart TV

A TV that's connected to the internet and can run apps and streaming services

Streaming platform

A service that offers free and/or premium access to streaming video content


Directing ads to specific audiences based on various criteria

Third-party data

Data collected by external sources and sold to companies for marketing purposes


The measurement of how many people saw an ad and for how long


Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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Your Guide to OTT & CTV Advertising

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